
nodal worm Learn more about nodal worm

  • What are the natural enemies of stick insects?

    What are the natural enemies of stick insects?

    Bamboo insect is a kind of medium-sized or large insect, which is mostly distributed in Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. Because the body color and shape are difficult to distinguish from bamboo branches, it is difficult to find that this kind of insects feed on leaves and seriously affect yield growth. What are the natural enemies of the stick insect?

    2020-11-08 Bamboo nodal worm natural enemy which bamboo nodular worm is species medium
  • The difference between big thistle and small thistle

    The difference between big thistle and small thistle

    The difference between big thistle and small thistle

  • Thistle, the national flower of Scotland

    Thistle, the national flower of Scotland

    Thistle is a plant of the genus Thistle of Compositae. Distributed in North Korea, Japan, Taiwan Island and Chinese mainland in Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Hunan, Fujian, Hubei, Guizhou, Guangxi,.

  • Cultivation of Rhizoma Chuanxiong

    Cultivation of Rhizoma Chuanxiong

    Szechuan lovage rhizome, also known as Fu Xiong, Xiaoye Szechuan lovage rhizome, is an authentic medicinal material in Sichuan Province. It is mainly produced in Xindu District, Dujiangyan Shiyang Town, Pengzhou Aoping Town, Songzhou Liaojia Town, Pi County Huayuan Town and Shifang Town of Chengdu City. The natural conditions are very high, except for the above.

    2020-11-08 chuanxiong rhizome cultivation planting also known as fuxiong xiaoye
  • What is false epiphyllum? matters needing attention in the cultivation of false epiphyllum

    What is false epiphyllum? matters needing attention in the cultivation of false epiphyllum

    What is false epiphyllum? matters needing attention in the cultivation of false epiphyllum

  • Maintenance method of blue thorn head

    Maintenance method of blue thorn head

    The blue thorn head is very adaptable, drought-resistant, barren-resistant and cold-resistant. When cultivating, we should choose sandy soil with good ventilation and good water retention capacity, and keep it in a cool and ventilated place for maintenance. Avoid hot, wet and waterlogging environment, as long as you care carefully.

  • Common knowledge of Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Disease in South China

    Common knowledge of Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Disease in South China

    Rotten rice seedlings are the general name of rotten seeds, rotten buds and dead seedlings that occur in the seedling stage. Rotten rice seedlings can be divided into two types: physiology and infectivity. Physiological rotten seedlings are mainly caused by low temperature and poor management measures, infectious rotten seedlings are caused by pathogen infection, and the main diseases are rice cotton rot, rice rot and rice.

  • Biological characteristics of honeybee

    Biological characteristics of honeybee

    Biological characteristics of honeybee

  • What if there are insects in the flowers? pest control / drug spraying at the head of good luck

    What if there are insects in the flowers? pest control / drug spraying at the head of good luck

    But its effect is amazing, not only can eat whitening, medicine can also cure all kinds of diseases, so many flower friends choose to raise it. However, in the process of breeding, because of improper maintenance, good luck will be plagued by insect pests, so what should we do when good luck grows bugs? The following is the prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests

  • How to raise the dance of falling flowers

    How to raise the dance of falling flowers

    Water the soil once a week in spring and autumn to keep the soil moist. It should be properly shaded in summer, keep the soil moist moderately in winter, and the specific watering times depend on the level of room temperature. Fertilize once a month, choose low nitrogen fertilizer or succulent special fertilizer. Light flowering period to ensure sufficient light, move as little as possible, so as not to break the stem and fall flowers.

  • Cultivation Techniques of Rhizoma Chuanxiong

    Cultivation Techniques of Rhizoma Chuanxiong

    Cultivation Techniques of Rhizoma Chuanxiong

  • Culture method of crab claw orchid

    Culture method of crab claw orchid

    Culture method of crab claw orchid

  • Is the latest evergreen poisonous?

    Is the latest evergreen poisonous?

    The juice of evergreen is toxic, and the stem tissue is generally the most poisonous. In general, mucus sticking to the hands or skin can cause allergic reactions, plaques or itchy sensations, and scratches that you don't pay attention to will be more itchy. If the evergreen is eaten in the body

    2020-11-10 The latest evergreen toxic Mo juice yes poisonous
  • Is evergreen poisonous?

    Is evergreen poisonous?

    Is evergreen poisonous?

  • Blue thorn head, about its resume

    Blue thorn head, about its resume

    Blue thorn head is a kind of good perennial root flower of summer flower type, with peculiar flower type, bright color and long ornamental period. there are more than 10 species of blue thorn head plants distributed in China. Blue thorn head can relieve hypertension and hyperlipidemia and has high medicinal value. it is also an excellent honey plant.

  • How to raise Tongqian grass

    How to raise Tongqian grass

    It is best to use loose soil with good water retention in the cultivation of Rabdosia angustifolia, and topdressing it every 15-20 days during its peak growth period. It likes to grow in a moist environment and should be properly watered to give it a growth environment of 10-25 ℃. Reproduction can be done by ramet, which is seldom caused by diseases and insect pests and should be pruned in time when it grows densely.

  • Culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia

    Culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia

    The scientific name of Camellia oleifera is Labiatae, which is a family of dicotyledons, so what is the culture method of Rabdosia angustifolia? 1. The basic introduction of Rabdosia angustifolia is a family of dicotyledons, which has more than 200 genera.

    2020-11-08 Ehrlich fragrant tea vegetables aquaculture methods
  • How to prolong the florescence of Beautiful Sakura

    How to prolong the florescence of Beautiful Sakura

    The flowering period of this plant is very long and can be extended from spring to autumn and winter. This kind of herb will show a rattan shape when its branches grow, so we can not only plant it in pots, but also watch it as a hanging plant. So what should we do if we want to continue to prolong its florescence and see it blossom often? Here are a few points to pay attention to.

  • Diseases and insect pests of Trichosanthes

    Diseases and insect pests of Trichosanthes

    Diseases and insect pests of Trichosanthes

  • How to plant trichosanthin

    How to plant trichosanthin

    How to plant trichosanthin
